Po' Smedley's Life And Brain Drippings
O' A Thumpin' We Will Go
Published on January 28, 2006 By PoSmedley In New Releases
January 26, 2006...Troll Thumping Day came to WC!

Two years later, it's going strong with more Thumpers than a Troll could count with all his toes.

For those asking what Troll Thumping Day is...here is a brief history.

Troll Thumping on the internet is quite easy and has become
quite popular, since most Troll’s have taken to hiding out on the world wide web. However, they still have the means to dwell within stumps that they create
from stray bites of deleted info. (This is where your torch will come in handy,
so that you can ‘smoke’ them out’.)

The object of Troll Thumping is not to ‘kill’ or ‘harm’ the Troll, but to just let him know you are aware of their presence. Truth be known, Troll’s rather enjoy being thumped and some have been known to hang large red flags above their stumps, making it easier for you to find them.

The history of Troll Thumping goes back hundreds of years to the Wicklow Mountains of Ireland. It was one of the greatest fires the mountain had ever seen and turned thousands of tree’s into burned out, hollow stumps. Everyone
knows how much Troll’s like the smell of burnt wood (Another reason they
look forward to Troll Thumping Day..as Troll’s are deathly afraid of fire, so they rely on US to give their stumps that ‘new burnt-stump’ smell) so the burnt out stumps became quickly occupied. It didn’t take long before the
Wicklow Mountains were over run with Troll’s, for, as we all know, Troll’s will
only multiply as the stump availability will allow. You better believe that the Troll’s got ‘jiggy’ with it after the fire left some 15,000 stumps in it’s wake.

It was discovered, quite accidentally, that a good ‘thump’ to the noggin would render a male Troll impotent for up to one year. So, the people of Wicklow would gather once a year to go Troll Thumping in order to keep the population down. Why not just ‘kill’ all the Troll’s? Because, as you well know, Troll dung is the best fertilizer there is for a variety of crops, but especially Wild Wicklow Roses.

Today, the wild Troll population is well controlled and protected, and Troll Thumping Day has become more about tradition than anything else. Since many folk cannot get to Wicklow or don’t know where any wild Troll’s live, they have made Troll Thumping on the Internet their way to celebrate the tradition.

What you need to know…
1.You can only thump a Troll on Troll Thumping Day, which is every February First. To thump before or after February First will guarantee you bad luck through out the year.
2.You may only thump a Troll on the brow. Anywhere else will guarantee you bad luck through out the year.

Thumping On The Internet…
This is tricky. The best way to thump a Troll on the internet is in forums. The idea is to bait the Troll to post in a forum..or just lurk in one and hope a Troll shows up. Immediately AFTER the Troll posts, you follow with a resounding thump by posting your club. If your thump does not immediately follow the Troll’s post, it doesn’t count!!!!!

It is after you thump a Troll that then, and only then, are you allowed a Pint of Ale. Drinking BEFORE a thump or after a BAD thump will guarantee you bad luck through out the year.

Troll Thumping FORUMS have been known to pop-up, where a thumper may go to post a link to a good thump, or just hang out with other Thumper's to tell tales and drink Ale.


Finally, it is considered bad form and very bad luck for any one person to thump the same Troll more than once!!! Never do this. Once you have thumped a Troll, go find another one. Give someone else a shot at it.

That’s all you need to know."

All the Troll Thumping Skins are up and waiting for fellow thumpers to get what they need for the Holiday!

All the essential skins are out and brought to you in full thumping-glory by the Mother-Thumpers!

WB (with three skins): by theAVMAN
Troll Thumping Day

Desktop Sidebar: by Mike b1954

Logons: by 2of3
A Mother Thumping Logon Package

Bootskins: by rikalot
Troll Thumpers Day Order of the Emerald Flame
Troll Thumpers Day Order of the Stump
Troll Thumpers Order of the Black Dragon

RightClick: by Lantec
Troll Thumping Suite RC

Sysmetrix: by Lantec
Mother Thumper

Mother Thumper

Cursor: by Drill'n Boss
Troll Thumping cxp

Dock icons: by Po' Smedley
Motherthumpers OD Icons

Dock Backgrounds: by Po' Smedley
Motherthumpers OD Zoomers
Motherthumper OD Tiles

DX Thumper:
Thump A Troll

DX countdown: by Po' Smedley
Motherthumpers Countdown

Other DX Gadgets
Mother Thumpers Calendars
Mother Thumpers Weather
Mother Thumpers Clocks

Wallpapers: by Po' Smedley
Order Of The Emerald Flame Pack
Order Of The Stump Pack
Order Of The Black Dragon Pack

A Mother Thumping Rainy Package

Logo (misc art):
Motherthumpers Outfitters

Happy Thumping!

Comments (Page 10)
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on Dec 31, 2006

this was created by my friend NWD to show both sides of this touchy subject matter ( plus i thought Bichur would love it too)

you can find the wall @ Skinartistry
WWW Link
on Dec 31, 2006
ever since Po started all this, these two have been running around cryin' about it, and keep mention something about the Geico Caveman commercials...LOL. I can't wait til Feb 2nd now...LMAO
on Dec 31, 2006
...I have a hugh shillelagh

As in Hugh Grant, Fuzzy?

on Dec 31, 2006
this was created by my friend NWD

on Dec 31, 2006

I pity trolls every where. Come the glorious day... up against a wall... bop bop bop...

on Dec 31, 2006
I have a hugh shillelagh

As in Hugh Grant

... up against a wall...

yeah, uh huh... I've heard of those neighborhoods...  
on Dec 31, 2006
He who thumps last, thumps best.
on Dec 31, 2006
thanks Bicher, skinhit figured you'd like that. I highly doubt anyone's gonna thump Sulpher and his brother tho. These trolls aren't the typical 3 foot tall ones, but are over 10 feet tall, over 1000 lbs, and are well versed in combat....lmao. I certainly wouldn't want to anger them. Especially since they train with dragons
on Dec 31, 2006
And to think such a tradition was born out of a simple comment I made when you made some remark about being "Spechal" Bichur..LMAO...Well at least im not a *Troll* with Troll season just around the corner..LoL...

Have an *Awesome* New Years everyone!

on Jan 01, 2007
UPI / UNited Press International

In downtown Santa Fe , arrests were made outside of the Lensic Theater, Santa Fe's Performing Arts Center,
when two males were found trying to break into Clay Aiken's tour bus. Clay Aiken was in town
for his New Year's Eve Concert when the two males were apprehended before the concert even started.
Apparently, both males had restraining orders against
them from previous encounters with the former American Idol contestant.

Previous charges ranged from harrassment via telephone to lude
and deviant behavior and the the theft of several of Mr. Aiken's undergarments.
Mr. Aiken could not be reached for comment, but a spokesman made a statement
on his behalf, stating that Mr. Aiken was quite distraught and looked forward
to a time when he would be 'free from these loathsome stalkers'.

What made the incident seem even odder was that both men were dressed in 'Troll' costumes.
Police speculated the two had planned this for sometime and were
trying to use the costumes to take advantage of the PETTA rally that was
scheduled for earlier today at the Ski Basin. A spokesman for PETTA stated
that their rally was a peaceful one to try again to disuade the masses from taking
up clubs on Troll Thumping Day and was unaware that the two men were actually imposters.
The President of PETTA expressed some concern over the 'costumes',
stating they looked like 'real' Troll skins. He went further to say that should
they be real Troll skins, the two men have not only made a mockery of the rally
but have crossed a line and taken the abuse of Trolls to a whole new level. It was
the first time any member of PETTA even hinted that Troll Thumping may not be as
bad as previous alternatives dating back some 500 years.

The attempted ruse by the two 'Claymates' ,as Clay Aiken fans have so dubbed themselves,
may have succeeded had they not been spotted arguing behind
Mr. Aiken's tour bus. A Mr. Wii Hung who owns a Chinese Restaurant next to
the theater, heard the two arguing and called police.

Mr. Hung stated the two were in a 'heated' discussion, when as he puts it,
they beagn threatening each other with their 'Claymate' signs. "One kept saying
'I wish I could quit you' and the other would keep saying 'Quit it.' "

Both men were taken into custody and are being held without bail. Police will
not yet release their names until their legal custodians can be notified.

In one last related note, Clay Aiken opened the show with his new
single "Brokeback Trolls'.

I'm assuming we won't be seeing NWD or skinhit anytime soon?
on Jan 01, 2007
bullcrap, that is friggin AWESOME!!! LMAO!
I can take a joke dude no worries....LOL. Now I can do what I want tho. I have a special willie nelson model just for ya po. instead of a big fattie you'l be smokin troll humdingers...LMAO!!!
Take care dude nice work.

PS you'll never get rid of me, you'll just force me to up the ante
on Jan 01, 2007
Is there any reason you're only thumping Official Trolls ?

on Jan 01, 2007
Officially, no. Unofficially, we haven't officially investigated that matter yet, but as soon as we do, we will make it official.
on Jan 01, 2007
Damn you Smedley!
on Jan 01, 2007
These trolls aren't the typical 3 foot tall ones, but are over 10 feet tall, over 1000 lbs

Like me dear ol grandma used to say: "The bigger they are the harder they fall...just kick 'em in the goolies and they're as big as everyone else."

Mind you, that was coming from a pocket sized little old lady who was just 4' 9" and 8 stone wringing wet.

LoL @ #145
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