Po' Smedley's Life And Brain Drippings
Published on January 8, 2008 By PoSmedley In Virtual Communities
I've tried a few of the virtual community type services and social networking. None of them impressed me much. Then, I came across this in RSS.

 YOOWALK is a representation of the worldwide web as a 3D world where you can: Browse the web in 3D with your avatar Build a 3D version of your website Have your own room in 3D Meet people and hang out with them It's barely in Beta and they are accepting preregistration for beta testers. I decided to sign up and thought that there may be others interested.

It may be worth checking out. Just imagine...Skinhit and I run into each other on some corner and you get to see us throw down in 3D! YOOWALK ARTICLE YOOWALK Preregistration
on Jan 08, 2008
I have just signed up too it looks like it may be a fun thing to do.... thanks for sharing po