And people think I have something against skinhit.
Thanks Po for this very valuable piece of info, very useful indeed to know, I often go through peoples images when they send them to me, so thats what it is called "Metadata", now I know and I also know thanks to you how to get rid of it, thank you very much mate ...............and I think Ol'e Zub had better be careful what he lets MonkeyMan get his hands on, otherwise we are heading for war!!!!!!! Ha ha ha Ha Ha....cheers Po
err, that is, um, If I ever came upon his dead, striped carcass...and um, happend to have my camera know what I mean...guys...guys?
Are they dating again?
Thank you Po--oh just cautioned us to be careful. nice information.
Hehe... I have some pics of Dolly Parton that looks like her dress/top was painted on after the fact... now I'll be able to go to Camera to see if it was. Thanks Po`
*Not a perve... just curious.*
You're welcome.
Right. And you're not a pirate either.
Orright, then, I be a curious pirate wot perves a little.
It's not my fault he didn't want you.
And with the pre-nup there's no divorce settlement, neither, so you'd be better off with Zubaz...
... if you're game to be seen in public with a bloke ho wears zebra striped pants.
Probably got upset over his post about everybody blowin him.
*iknow inknow but if I hadn't said it, someone else would have
I had no idea. Most of my work until about ten years ago was on canvas so I appreciate the info. So I need to keep my original works hand painted. COOL PIC there PoSmedly. That is some what unsettling!
I am allways afraid how much people don't know how much information are in there pictures.
With Vista you can see a little bit of them if you go to properties (eigenschaften) and than the tab details or if you have XP you can download a exifviewer-with them you see all the informations where you write about...
I use photofiltre portable,with this programm you can select if you want saving your picture with or without the exif(meta)data...
to find again